Table of contents
As DevOps engineers, proficiency in Linux and Git-GitHub is essential for managing and deploying code efficiently. With the vast array of commands and functionalities these tools offer, having a well-organized cheat-sheet can be a game-changer. Today, I’m sharing a comprehensive cheat-sheet covering essential Linux commands, Git commands, and GitHub tips that every DevOps professional should have in their toolkit.
Linux Commands
File & Directory Management
ls – List directory contents.
cd [directory] – Change the current directory.
pwd – Print working directory.
mkdir [directory] – Create a new directory.
rmdir [directory] – Remove an empty directory.
rm [file] – Remove a file.
cp [source] [destination] – Copy files or directories.
mv [source] [destination] – Move or rename files or directories.
touch [file] – Create an empty file or update the timestamp of an existing file.
File Viewing & Editing
cat [file] – Concatenate and display file content.
less [file] – View file content page by page.
head [file] – Display the first 10 lines of a file.
tail [file] – Display the last 10 lines of a file.
nano [file] – Edit a file using the Nano text editor.
vim [file] – Edit a file using the Vim text editor.
Permissions & Ownership
chmod [permissions] [file] – Change file permissions.
chown [owner]:[group] [file] – Change file owner and group.
ls -l – List files with detailed information including permissions and ownership.
System Monitoring & Management
top – Display active processes.
ps aux – List all running processes.
df -h – Display disk space usage.
du -sh [directory] – Display disk usage of a directory.
free -h – Display memory usage.
uptime – Show system uptime and load averages.
Git Commands
Basic Commands
git init – Initialize a new Git repository.
git clone [url] – Clone a repository from a URL.
git add [file] – Add a file to the staging area.
git commit -m "[message]" – Commit changes with a message.
git status – Show the status of changes.
git log – Display commit history.
Branching & Merging
git branch – List all branches.
git branch [branch_name] – Create a new branch.
git checkout [branch_name] – Switch to a branch.
git merge [branch_name] – Merge a branch into the current branch.
git rebase [branch_name] – Rebase the current branch onto another branch.
git stash – Temporarily save changes without committing.
git stash pop – Apply stashed changes and remove them from the stash.
git stash list – List all stashed changes.
git stash drop – Remove a specific stash.
git stash clear – Remove all stashes.
- git cherry-pick [commit_hash] – Apply a specific commit from another branch.
Conflict Resolution
git status – Show files with conflicts.
git diff – Show differences between conflicting versions.
git add [file] – Stage resolved files for commit.
GitHub Tips
Repository Management
Create a Repository: Click "New" on GitHub and follow the prompts.
Fork a Repository: Click "Fork" on the top-right of the repository page.
Clone a Repository: Use git clone [url] to copy a repository locally.
Pull Requests: Create a pull request to propose changes. Review and discuss before merging.
Issues: Use GitHub Issues to track bugs, tasks, and feature requests.
Wiki: Utilize the GitHub Wiki for project documentation.
Branch Protection
- Enable Branch Protection: Prevent force-pushes and require pull request reviews before merging.
GitHub Actions
- Set Up CI/CD: Create workflows using .github/workflows to automate build, test, and deployment processes.Linux Commands